Maag Offers Solutions for Various Critical Pumping, Filtration and Pelletizing Applications

Through its various brands, Maag is the leading manufacturer and provider of gear pumps, filtration systems, pelletizing systems and control systems for use in the plastics, petrochemical and food-processing industries. Maag's innovative vacorex® Generation 6 Gear Pump sets a new standard in extrusion-pump operation in polymerization and joins the extrex® GP/HP/HV and RB/RV(Q) and HydrolubS models in giving Maag the industry leader in extrusion and compounding, elastomer processing and industrial processing applications. Maag also offers the best in polymerization filtration systems, including industry-leading slide-plate, single-piston and double-piston screen changer models, along with a complete array of filter cavities. Maag's pelletizing systems include the SPHERO® 350, M-USG and PRIMO 200E, which are leaders in both underwater and strand pelletizing. Finally, Maag's maax® family of control systems are the top automated solutions for clearing extrusion lines. Maag backs all of its products with worldwide service and support, including grinding and pump-repair centers on four continents and sales offices on six continents.